Thursday, November 17, 2011

No Labels, No Limits

For years, I have been drawn to the study of Autism.  I find the spectrum for this disability fascinating, and with each chance I get in school, I complete projects surrounding this disability.  My younger sister was diagnosed with High-Performance Autism when she was younger.  I have learned a lot from her, regarding Autism and just life in general, and know that I will be a better individual and a better teacher because of her influence.  When I was a sophomore at BYU, I had the chance to interview her and a few others that know her to create a documentary about her extraordinary gifts in art and how Autism has never held her back from achievement.  She's a fighter, and she won't let any sort of disability stand in the way of her greatness.  She's my inspiration in so many ways...

Here is the video of my sister in the short documentary I filmed and created called, "No Labels, No Limits..."

I used this video in a resent presentation and it was cool to revisit my old project.  It reminded me of why I am so proud of Natalie and her attitude toward life.  She is an amazing girl! 

Are things about Autism that frighten you or make you nervous in general or specific to teaching?  If you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer with the information I know and the experience I have had in my life.

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